
Mobility Data Analysis and Application in the United Kingdom

The MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (MRC GIDA) at Imperial College London is an international resource and centre of excellence for research and capacity building on the epidemiological analysis and modelling of infectious diseases, and to undertake applied collaborative work with national and international agencies to support policy planning and response operations against infectious disease threats.

Introducing CrisisReady to the COVID-19 Mobility Data Network

The COVID-19 Mobility Network (CMDN), a network of 150 infectious disease epidemiologists working with aggregated mobility data to support COVID-19 response, has been active since April 2020, meeting virtually 2-4 times per month to share best practices, analytic tools, and code repositories across the group.

Measuring mobility to monitor travel and physical distancing interventions: a common framework for mobile phone data analysis

Wrong but Useful — What Covid-19 Epidemiologic Models Can and Cannot Tell Us

Which Covid-19 Data Can You Trust?

Mobility Data Essential to Stopping Covid-19, Reopening Cities and Counties

Data insights are providing public health experts and policymakers with a way forward during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aggregated mobility data could help fight COVID-19

COVID-19 Mobility Data Network

A network of infectious disease epidemiologists at universities around the world working with technology companies to use aggregated mobility data to support the COVID-19 response