Schmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University

Shenyue Jia

Dr. Shenyue Jia is the Data Scientist for California Wildfires Project@CrisisReady. She is also an adjunct professor at Schmid College of Science and Technology, Chapman University. Her work lies at the convergence of wildfire ecology and geographical information sciences (GIS). As a remote sensing specialist, she conducts on wildfire risk modeling using satellite imagery and hydrological data. Her interest in GIS and spatial data analysis drives her most recent study that aims to utilize crowdsourced geolocation data to support first responding during wildfires and post-disaster recovery. In practice, she uses fire progression data from satellite and timestamped population data with aggregated geolocation information to 1) track and identify hotspots of population under the evacuation order, 2) identify the most vulnerable communities based on their speed of evacuation and existing social and medical vulnerability.

As an avid GISer, Dr. Shenyue Jia serves as a consultant of mapping for TreePeople on their urban greenness restoration projects. She also teaches GIS classes at Chapman University for Environmental Science and Policy major.


  • Disaster Response
  • GIS and mapping
  • Remote Sensing


  • Ph.D., Geography

    University of California, Los Angeles

  • M.S., Cartography and Geographical Information Sciences

    Nanjing University, China

  • B.S., Geographical Information Sciences

    Nanjing University, China